Village Voice Report October 2005 (Issue 36)
The July meeting began with a minute’s silence in memory of Malcolm Nurse, the long serving Parish Councillor and former Chairman who had died earlier in the month. There was then a short presentation by the local fire risk manager for the Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service, Mr Neil Richardson. He explained that he was available to provide help and advice on all fire matters both to individuals and businesses (anyone wishing to contact him can get details from the Parish Council clerk.) This was followed by a presentation by Mr Steve O’Donnell explaining the role of the newly-established Dersingham First Responders (see Letters to the Editor, Village Voice Issue 35). The long-running issue of a possible skateboard facility on the recreation ground came to a conclusion at this meeting when the Council voted for the ramps to be installed. A proposal that a water and electricity supply should be installed on the recreation ground is to be investigated further. It has been suggested that this would make the facility more attractive for events in the village. A proposal that the recreation ground should be locked during the hours of darkness was also referred back to the Recreation & Environment Committee following doubts about how this would operate in practice and whether it would be effective in preventing anti-social behaviour. Unusually, the Parish Council also met in August, primarily because comments were required on new planning applications before the September meeting (the Council has a legal right to comment on plans but this has to be done within a strict time limit). Among the other issues discussed were the names proposed for two of the new developments in the village. The Council’s suggestion that the development at the Old Hall site in Chapel Road should be named Jannoch’s Court after a previous occupier [Theodore Jannoch - DH Editor] has been accepted by the developer. The Council has also suggested a name with local connections for the new flats on the corner of Hunstanton Road and Post Office Road: Chambers Court [previously Twaite's Garage - DH Editor].
Village Voice Report December 2005 (Issue 37)
The Parish Council meeting held on 26 September agreed that the new bus shelter to be installed opposite Thaxter’s would be a modern transparent design; it is hoped that a grant will cover a substantial part of the cost. Various issues linked with the general tidiness of the area in Bank Road behind Earl Close were discussed. It was agreed to clean up the litter and clear some of the undergrowth. The Borough Council had offered bulbs for enhancing villages: a Parishioner at the meeting suggested that these could be planted around the village sign at the entrance to the village. The meeting on 31 October began with a presentation to Bob Tipling and Stella Caunt to mark the Council’s appreciation of their work in producing Village Voice.The Council then heard two presentations. The first was from the West Norfolk Council for Voluntary Services, which supports national and local voluntary organisations by providing advice, funding and training. The talk was given by Polly Jackson, whose job is to promote volunteering in rural areas. Any individual or organisation interested in contacting her can do so through the Parish Council office. The second presentation was by Julie Hardingham, who is promoting an initiative to open a Day Care Centre for babies and children, which will also offer before and after school clubs and holiday clubs for children up to age 11. She described how a survey had identified a real need for both a playgroup and after-school facility and explained that everything was now in place to provide this. However, she had been unable to identify a satisfactory site and asked if the Parish Council could help. The report of the Advisory Committee for Community Facilities was discussed. The report had concluded that the village does need a new hall and had outlined the pros and cons of various sites and possible costings. The Council unanimously accepted the report and agreed to set up its own working group to take the matter further, including stablishing the level of potential use. The Council filled the vacancies caused by the death of Malcolm Nurse and the resignations of James Hornigold and Donald Roy by co-opting three new members, Mrs Joanna Jones, Mr George Pratt and Mrs Gillian Sergeant.
Village Voice Report February 2006 (Issue 38)
At their meeting on 28 November the Members were pleased to welcome three new colleagues to their first meeting since being co-opted, these being Joanna Jones, George Pratt and Gillian Sergeant, who were introduced to readers in the last issue of the ‘Voice’. It was announced that a Carol Service was being arranged to take place on the Recreation Ground on a date to be organised by Councillors Benn and Seal. By unanimous agreement it was decided that funds should be set aside for the provision of materials for the erection of a large public notice-board which would be used for the benefit of organisations within the village. Discussion took place regarding the inaccuracy of the signs which had been placed around the Recreation Ground which had included the word ‘statue’ instead of the intended word ‘statute.’ Members requested the Clerk to enquire as to the cost of either replacing the signs, or, at least the replacement of the offending word. Further discussion occurred over the inclusion of a ‘no alcohol’ instruction on the signs, it was explained that this was an advisory item rather than one enforceable by law. The Clerk was asked to look into what specific requirement is required by the insurers in respect of safety inspections of the playground equipment. Discussion took place with regard to the proposed precept which would require a 13% increase (approximately £4 p.a.). It was suggested that the Finance and General Purposes Committee should be asked to reconsider the budget and Committees were asked to find ways to reduce their own budgets. A question was raised about the work which was taking place to re-organise the Parish Council office and the cost involved. It was explained that this work was essential in order to meet Health and Safety standards and to protect the computer processors from dust and damage. A report was made about the recent Anti-Social Behaviour Order meeting in which certain proposals were put forward, these to be actioned by the Clerk. During the periods of public involvement in the meeting an issue was raised regarding the Remembrance Day service at the War Memorial, when, it was reported, the Police had not stopped vehicles during the period of silence, and that of those which did stand still many kept their engines running. Additionally, one of the shops in the village had been reported as not having made any effort to maintain the silence, which was considered to be most disrespectful.
At the meeting held on 12th December the Clerk reported that she had checked with the insurers of the playground and that ROSPA require an annual check on equipment as well as a weekly visual inspection by a councillor or appointed person to look for broken glass, damage etc. These inspections are to be recorded. It was agreed that Cllr Benn should carry out the weekly inspection. Cllr Seal suggested Neighbourhood Watch schemes could be set up in problem areas to report incidents of anti-social behaviour and it was agreed that he should research his proposal. During the section of the meeting when the public were invited to speak concern was expressed at the lack of reporting by the Eastern Daily Press of this area. No EDP correspondent has attended any recent meetings of the parish council. It was alleged Norfolk County Council also neglected this part of the County and general opinion is that the area is badly let down by both parties. Cllr Eells thought West Norfolk was well represented by local councillors but would take the message back to her colleagues. The installation of a gate at the entrance to Beach Road is an attempt by the planning dept to stop fly tipping. There was a gate there in the past as the original gateway is still in position. The path to the beach is not a recognised roadway but a bridle path.