The new building was erected by Messrs. Chambers and Son of Dersingham and Snettisham to the plans of Messrs Jarvis & Son of King’s Lynn, Mr. Margretts of Snettisham being a sub contractor for the painting and Mr. Richard Green of Lynn, a sub-contractor for the plastering. The main hall of the new Institute is 60ft long by 20ft wide and the room intended for billiards 24ft by 15ft. At one end of the Institute a buffet will be provided and at the other there are cloakrooms for ladies and gentlemen, each compartment measuring 10ft by 10ft. with a kitchen 11ft. by 10ft. between them. The Institute is of Snettisham carrstone with red brick quoins and is half timbered and cemented above the plinth. The roof is covered with Broseley tiles. In the roof are dormer windows. All the ordinary windows are ventilated top and bottom (at the bottom on the hopper system) and there is a ventilator (by Messrs John King & Co. ) in the roof.
The land on which the new building has been erected is half-an acre in extent. This has been graciously given by his Majesty the King. It not only provides room for the Institute itself but there is sufficient room left for a bowling green, which in due time is to be laid out. The building itself has cost about £800. Mrs. Tylden of Ingoldisthorpe Manor has generously given £500 while there have been two anonymous contributions of £100 each and £200 has been raised locally. This of course represents £100 more than the amount required for the Institute, but this additional sum will be required for fencing off the land and making up a road leading from the Main highway to the building.
The opening of the sale of work combines with the formal opening of the Institute was marked as has been stated by a large audience. A number of stalls had been arranged and these were presided over by the following: Fancy work, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Diggle, Mrs. Davison, and Mrs. W. Mann: Plain work; Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Cole. Advertisements, Mr. &Mrs. W. T. Parker; Flowers, Mr. R.A. Wilkin; Sweets, Miss Woodward& Miss Balfour; Produce and biscuits, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Tansley; Pottery, Mrs, Ewer; Burmese articles, Miss Beckett; Sixpence-halfpenny stall, Mrs. Norman-Crosse; Refreshments, Mrs, Tingey, Mrs. Burnop, Mrs. H. Mann, Miss Langley, and various helpers. In addition there were competitions (scent, guessing at parcels, advertisements and butterfly painting ) arranged by Mrs. Wilson and Mr. H. Walden. An afternoon concert was organised by Miss Langley; a waxwork exhibition by the school children was given under the direction of the vicar (Rev. R.W.M. Lewis) and a sketch entitled, "A Quiet Morning" was given in the evening by Miss Smith, Miss Mann, Mr. W.H. Yaxley Mr. H. Walden Mr. G. Riches Mr. M. Dennis and Mr. D. Cousins. Miss Smith and Mr. Yaxley were the moving spirits in a whist drive and dance that wound up the proceedings.
The vicar presided over the double opening ceremony. He was supported by Mrs. R. Tylden, Mr. Ingleby M.P. Capt. J. Brown, Messrs E. Tingey, W.W.Langley, W.T.Parker, W.Tansley, W.H.Yaxley, H.Walden, A. Firth, W.H.Smith, W.A.Davidson, and J.W.W.Chambers. Others present included Mrs, Tylden (Ingoldisthorpe Manor) Messrs. Norman-Crosse, C. Bartlett, J. Burnop, Gunn sen. (London) Gunn jun. W.H.Mann, G. Chambers (Snettisham) C.Davidson, A.J. Chilvers, W.J.Ewer, Prior, G. Charlett (Ingoldisthorpe) and L.W.Wells Mrs. Hallard (Shernbourne Hall) Miss Matthews (Shernbourne) Mrs. Tansley, Mrs, Firth, Mrs. Dodman, Mrs. A. Garry Copeman (Ingoldisthorpe) Mrs. Chilvers, and Mrs. R. Stanton (West Newton).
At the outset the company joined in singing the National Anthem at which they were led by the Sandringham Band of the 5th B.N.R. (Bandmaster G. Riches) The vicar then offered prayers for a blessing on the new Institute after which (the band again accompanying) the hymn, "O God our Help" was sung.
The vicar said the sun was shining upon them that afternoon and that he thought was typical of what had happened all through the endeavour that was being crowned with success that day. The sun had shone upon them ever since they took in hand the idea of building that Institute and they had been favoured in a way they would hardly have expected. Various endeavours in that direction had been made: it had been in the hearts of many for years to have an Institute at Dersingham where the various works connected with the Church could be carried on and educational and social meetings held for the benefit of
But there had been difficulties in the way. Dr. Bellamy would ever be remembered with deep gratitude for the great work he did for the benefit of the church and the village, spending a large sum of money in restoring the church from the ruinous condition into which it had fallen and giving benefactions to improve the value of the living. Deep down in Dr. Bellamy’s heart was a desire for an Institute for the benefit of the parish but there were difficulties in the way. However these had been overcome and there the Institute was that day. (applause) When a year ago the idea was revived he did not think they could have accomplished the task had it not been for the generous and handsome gift of Mrs. Tylden. (applause) After this was promised the committee set to work to collect funds and one evening when about a dozen of the business men of the place met with him to consider whether they could not supplement her gift by raising money to build a room to the Institute as a memento of the Coronation-for which £100 was required- £50 was subscribed or promised in ten minutes. (applause) Then the suggestion that help was wanted was thrown out far and wide. Not one person had been asked to give a single penny. People were simply told what it was intended to do and helpers came forward in a
Indeed. They had large and small contributions from rich and poor, from the landowner and the labourer on the land: all classes had joined in the undertaking. During the past year £120 had been raised –(applause)- and now Mrs. R. Tylden was there to declare the building open -and open free from debt (hear hear) All the bills sent in had been met and there were sufficient funds to meet what had to come against the Institute as well as pay for the fencing of the land and now they asked for the co-operation of those present to provide the lighting and furnishing of that splendid building. After thanking all who had helped provide the material for the stalls. Mr. Lewis proceeded to remark that the building was now the property of the church and would remain so for ever, The land was given by the King-)loud applause)- and he was sure that as they looked around the village they could not find another spot where they would have preferred to build the Institute (hear hear) By the time the road to it was made and a bowling green provided it would be a pleasant spot and in the centre of the village and they were most grateful to his Majesty for the gift of land Not only had the King shown his interest in that way but a few weeks ago
came to view the building inspecting it most thoroughly and feeling satisfied it ought to meet the requirements for which it was built. Queen Mary had also sent two pedestals to the pottery stall for sale and had bought some of the needlework made for sale; Queen Alexandra had sent £5; and Princess Mary had sent a half-dozen prize rabbits for sale. (applause) So that in their effort they had the interest and co-operation of their Majesties and other members of the Royal Family. (applause)
Mrs. R. Tylden on behalf of Mrs,Tylden of Ingoldisthorpe then declared the building and the sale of work open. "It gives me great pleasure," she remarked. "to welcome you here on behalf of my dear mother. I am but a poor substitute for her, whom you all know and respect, but I am speaking for her when I say that the completion of this building gives her the greatest satisfaction; and I hope that for many years to come it will fulfil its function as a place of recreation, amusement and at times instruction to the inhabitants of the parish and to their friends and neighbours. It is a pleasure to be associated in whatever way with the King in one of the innumerable acts in which he shows his
The land is the gift of King George V and everyone who sees the place will have his pleasure enhanced by that fact. (hear, hear) Whether you work with your head or your hands, or, as we women in the homes do, with both, let us emulate his thoughtful care for others and we shall settle the dissensions in the country that are so sore a trouble" (loud applause)
On the call of the chairman Mrs. Tylden was thanked with rousing cheers for her services.
Mr. W. T. Parker expressed the thanks of those present to the architects for the excellent plan to which the building had been erected and the builders for the admirable way in which they had carried out the design.
This sentiment, warmly endorsed by the Chairman was carried with heartiness and the sales were then commenced.
The bazaar on the second day was opened by Mrs. Godfrey Faussett, who was introduced by the vicar, and in a short speech expressed her earnest hope that the bazaar would achieve the objects for which it had been arranged. Mr. A. Firth moved a vote of thanks to her for her kindness in performing the opening ceremony.
It may be added that the Building Committee consisted of the vicar, and churchwardens, together with Captai Brown, Messrs. Davidson, Firth, Langley, Smith, Tansley, H. Walden, Wilkin and Yaxley; while Mrs. Diggle, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Langley, Miss Smith, Mr. G. Riches, Lieutenant Wilson, Mr. H. Walden and Mr. Yaxley formed the Entertainments Committee.
Some possible identifications
Mr. & Mrs. W.W. Langley: lived at The Oaks,
W.T.Parker: Parker’s Stores.
Mr. & Mrs. Ewer: ran the shop next to the Post Office, now Estate Agents. He is listed as music seller and stationer.
Mr. & Mrs. Tingey: lived and farmed At The Manor House.
Miss Beckett (Alice Maud Beckett): ran the Post Office.
A Firth: Headmaster of the village school.
W.H.Mann: Proprietor of The Feathers.
Mr. Dodman (George William) : Blacksmith
Mr. A. Chilvers: Station Master.
William Tansley: Butcher
Captain Brown: Lived at Coronation Villa?
W.H. Yaxley: Agent for Prudential Assurance Co. and took leading role in village affairs.
W.H. Smith: Farmer at Hill House.
W.A.Davidson: Lived at Maryville?
J.W.W. Chambers (James Ward William) : Temperance Hotel.
H. Mann: farmer Heath House.
George Henry Riches: Lived at Summerdale?
Mr.& Mrs Diggle: lived at Worthams?